Embedding Indigenous Cultures through Music Education
As we reflect on NAIDOC Week, 2023 and think about the theme “FOR OUR ELDERS,” let’s take some time to honour, remember, thank and respect the knowledge, music, stories, language and work passed down from our Elders, past and present.
With thanks to Jane Nicholas and her blog, Embedding Indigenous Cultures in Music Education, Jane has kindly shared some wonderful thought-provoking strategies and resources with us to use in our classrooms based on the elements of Orff-Schulwerk. This has been shared with us to help provide our students with a rich, authentic program of community-based music, composed by Australian First Nations Peoples.
Thank you kindly for sharing, Jane. 

NOTE: Guided Relaxation Inspired by Bunuru Season Knowledges

Explanatory Note from Jane – Dear educators, with more information and new information we can do better.  With this inspiring maxim we use with our students is one we should keep in mind too.  Todays perfect may not be perfect tomorrow.  I have had some valuable feedback which has asked me to change my pronunciation of Bunuru to include ‘oo’ sounds for all the ‘u’s.  I am grateful for the correction.  Attached to the image above is the updated link to the updated guided meditation or click here: https://youtu.be/rqtkJR9UJGU. If you have a different version of this video can you please delete it and replace with this one out of respect for Noongar culture and people.  I thank the Noongar people for their generosity in sharing their cultural knowledges. CD and JN
