Uke Can Orff PD Notes

Our WAOSA Committee recently hosted our North Metro Network Meeting on the 12th May, kindly hosted by Laura Walker at Wembley Downs Primary School. Thank you to everyone who attended this fun afternoon of ukulele and song.

Presented by Liz, Laura and Ash, this PD was a fun way to explore how we can include ukulele in our ORFF inspired classrooms and programs. This incorporated exploring:

  • The use of movement as prior learning for ukulele
  • The use of ukulele and song as a simple round accompanied by rhythmic ostinati
  • Simple Orff-inspired arrangements showcasing ukulele, tuned and non-tuned percussion
  • The use of simple chord transitions in melodic arrangements

Our three focus songs for the afternoon included (see below):

Zoodio by Susie Davies & Phil Splitter

Why Shouldn’t My Car?

Epo I Tai Tai (traditional New Zealand song)

For a full copy of the slideshow, videos and notes, please click here.