Non-Singing Activities by Kailee Marshall

With some schools asking music teachers to reduce or stop singing, here are some non-singing activities! Thanks Kailee Marshall for writing and providing these.


Body Percussion Activity

Acknowledgment to Keith Terry (USA) and Helen Wilson (Australia – WA)

This is a body percussion activity using 3, 5, 7, and 9 moving logically down the body. See the video below:


  • Revise all patterns until students are comfortable
  • Play with different combinations of patterns – e.g. 3, 5, 7 or 3, 3, 9 etc.
  • Practice the following rhythm combinations
  • 3, 3, 7
  • 5, 9
  • 9, 3, 3
  • 7, 3, 5
  • Perform the above patterns at the same time and enjoy the sound of the clap and the stamp moving around the group.
  • Perform the following patterns individually and then together. If performed correctly everyone should finish on a 9 at the same time
  • 3, 3, 7 pattern 6 times then 3, 3, 3, 9
  • 5, 9 pattern 6 times then then 5, 5, 9
  • 9, 3, 3 pattern 6 times then 9
  • 7, 3, 5 pattern 6 times then 9



Groups could create their own arrangement of these numbers or other body percussion to create a B section.

This could them become a rondo form or ternary form piece of music.



Speech Rhyme Activity


Speech rhyme (or speech rhyme of your choice):

Six cheese sandwiches, nine days old,

Thanks for the lunch mum, top class mould! 



  1. Learn speech rhyme through imitation
  2. Explore different ways to keep the beat while saying the rhyme
  3. Explore different ways to play the rhythm with saying the rhyme
  4. Can you do them at the same time?
  5. Say in cannon
  6. Experiment with different voices/elements of music (whisper, robot voice, high, low etc.)
  7. Add different ostinati – suggest some and then let students suggest some
  8. NOTE: an ostinato is a short repeated musical pattern
  9. Transfer ostinato/i to body percussion or instruments
  10. Combine ostinato/i (spoken and body percussion) and rhyme together an a whole class arrangement
  11. Send students off into small groups to create their own arrangements
  12. Share arrangements with the class


Music Check List



  • Sing a nursery rhyme
  • Listen to a song you wouldn’t usually listen to
  • Sing a song with someone else at home
  • Sing in the shower
  • Listen to a piece of music and draw the picture that the music creates in your mind
  • Make an instrument from recycled materials and compose a song using your instrument


Year 1 – 3

  • Sing a nursery rhyme
  • Listen to a song you wouldn’t usually listen to
  • Sing a song with someone else at home
  • Sing in the shower
  • Listen to a piece of music and draw the picture that the music creates in your mind
  • Make an instrument from recycled materials and compose a song using your instrument
  • Listen to your favourite song and keep the beat in different ways
  • Listen to your favourite song and play the rhythm in different ways
  • Create a dance to your favourite piece of music



Year 4 – 6

  • Sing a nursery rhyme
  • Listen to a song you wouldn’t usually listen to
  • Sing a song with someone else at home
  • Sing in the shower
  • Listen to a piece of music and draw the picture that the music creates in your mind
  • Make an instrument from recycled materials and compose a song using your instrument
  • Create a dance to your favourite piece of music
  • Listen to an episode of David Williams’ Marvellous Musical Podcast
  • Write a report on your favourite musician/composer
  • Play on Staff Wars – Download from the app store
  • Create a piece of music on Garage Band